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Prayers Come True!

The Lord blesses us with answers to prayers every single day.  Sometimes they are specific, our prayers are documented, and the answers clearly show His hand in them.  Sometimes they are simple and we may not even see the Lord's hand in them because we have become accustomed to their presence.  Other times He knows our innermost wishes and grants them to us before we even have the words to ask (Romans 8:26-27).

One thing is certain though.  Anything we pray for in accordance with His will, He will grant to us (1 John 5:14-15).  Maybe not in the way we want, maybe not in the time frame we want, but he hears us and will answer us because He loves us :-)

But why didn't my prayer come true before?

This answer is as simple, but far reaching as a child asking why their father won't buy them a particular toy. 

Perhaps the toy is dangerous to the child and the father loves the child enough to protect them.  Some prayers come from our deeply rooted sin, and the outcome of granting the prayer would be bad for us.  Prayers to hurt someone else, or to inflate our selves above others may in fact not be in our best wishes, and Father protects us from ourselves.

Perhaps the toy is not age appropriate for the child.  Some prayers simply are "in progress" waiting for the perfect moment for the Lord to reveal them to us.  Time will pass, and we will understand how thoroughly He has blessed us!

Perhaps the toy is outside of our budget.  Please don't hear what I'm not saying here.  Nothing is "too expensive" for God.  However, our Father has a plan that sometimes we do not understand, just as a child does not understand a family's budget.  A child can't be expected to understand the value of housing, food, heat, water, and other necessities, but it is a loving parent's job to plan for their children's needs, sometimes in areas they do not understand.  It would hurt the child more to not have food to eat than to not have the toy they desire.

Similarly, our Father has a plan that we cannot understand.  Even though we may throw a temper tantrum, He does love us and hurts with us when we are in pain.  Nonetheless, He must keep our best interests at heart in His infinite wisdom, and act in accordance with His will.

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to tell us what a great time you have had on Prayers Come True, please let us know. We would love to hear from you.